We all want to know where we come from, who are our ancestors, whether we are descended from princes or madmen, and if there might be some trace of nobility or respect. Most of us are disappointed when we discover that our family history has neither high birth nor romance but just plain folk - farmers, woodsmen, peasants, and serfs who never rose much beyond their station.
Yet there are enough stories of strange genealogical finds that we continue to pursue our histories. There might well be a bit of lineage traced back to the First Families of Virginia or the Mayflower. A document buried in the vault of an Anglican Church on the Northern Neck might show a definite, although remote relationship to King Carter and from him back to England and the finest registries of London and Wiltshire.Tracing ancestry in Old Europe is no pastime. A Frenchman who can pursue his family history back to the Third Crusade or even the First is worth more than any contemporary of wealth and importance in the Third Republic. An Englishman whose forbears were counts and courtiers of Henry II or King John have more standing than those with bloodlines of minor viscounts or third cousins of doubtful royalty.
Aristocratic, noble, and royal Italians, Germans, Spanish, Serbs, and Poles all intermarried and created a pan-European elite. Claims to this lineage are not simply tracings on an elaborate family tree but essential to social status and privilege. Despite the French Revolution, the beheading of the King, and the execution of thousands of aristocrats, the aristocracy is alive and well.
Not every noble went to the guillotine,
and although many of the best families were dismembered, enough survived to continue
the aristocratic line. Despite marriages to commoners and the loss of
land, wealth, and property, those with a storied ancestral past still rely on
it for social legitimacy and status.
On the contrary, it is of little
consequence whether an American can trace his roots to the Mayflower, to
John Smith, John Adams, George Washington, the Duke of Norfolk, or Lord
Fairfax. America is fast becoming a classless society where family roots have
less and less pertinence; where the social prestige of the Main Line, Beacon
Hill, and Park Avenue has all but disappeared.
There are a few clubs - The Society of the Cincinnati, the Cosmos Club, and a dozen more like them in Boston, Philadelphia, and New York - which safeguard an Old World gentility; but in our diverse, pluralistic, and competitive society, they are increasingly irrelevant. One is more hard-pressed than ever to find a socially prominent niche.
For most people fame and popular currency are
enough. Few ask about the social and family origins of Bill Gates, Warren
Buffett, or Mark Zuckerberg. They are the new classless Americans with no
ascribed, historical value; only that derived from their current worth.
They have only one perspective - forward - and in that they are
quintessentially American.
Yet, genealogy will not die; and although many
inquirers are simply interested in completing the family tree, just as many are
looking for a legitimacy which can only come from bloodlines. An
ordinary daughter of mixed-nationality parents, an indistinct member of the
upper middle class, laboring successfully if not uniquely, will always be,
inevitably, undistinguished unless she can find a link to an illustrious past.
This search for social legitimacy, however, cannot
explain the genealogy phenomenon. Too few Americans have any hope of
finding a link to anyone of significance in American history let alone the
Mayflower or the First Families of Virginia to be motivated by social
status. It has to do more with a sense of personal worth and legitimacy
in a contemporary world which confers little of it.
It is difficult to be satisfied with the
cards one is dealt. Few of us are satisfied with the looks, intelligence,
physical abilities, or talent programmed in our DNA. The past can afford much
more; and in a society where few have a traceable connection to an illustrious
history, all the more reason to go prospecting. If one has been born
poor, of questionable legitimacy, and of little social, economic, or financial
value to the community, where does self-worth come from? If not from
ancestral history nor contemporary success, nor any civic recognition,
then from where? No one can live without some pride of identity.
Yet when all is said and done, and when we are
forced to reflect on a life led, such attributive values should matter
little. We all die alone, said the main character in
Dostoevsky’s The Death of Ivan Ilyich. Yet like Ivan, until we are faced with the
eternity of death, we insist on fabricating meaning. In the final
accounting who we were counts for nothing; who we are, everything.
There are no rewards to proving a noble ancestry
in a populist democracy. Not so in the days of kings and courtiers, it
was deadly serious. How many wives did Henry VIII have to marry and
dispatch to assure a male heir? The drama is still played out in Europe
where the grandchildren of old, titled families fight over wills,
primogeniture, and the right of legitimate descendants; but it is if only
glancing relevance in America today. If we can uncover some royal
or aristocratic bits in our past, all well and good. If
we can claim some purchase on past initiative, or enterprise, the history is even
more valuable.
Few of us are content with what we are, regardless
of the hand dealt; and creating identities above and beyond that
which God, Nature, or Chance have bestowed is normal, natural, and human.
Which is why America is so unique. Few are satisfied with what
is but with what could be and what might have been. Tradable personal
worth is our currency,
The coming virtual world in which each individual
will be able to explore his own personal dimensions will drastically devalue
this currency. A world defined by individual fantasy, imagined
relationships, and invented personae has no meaning for anyone other than the
Until then we will have to be satisfied with
ancestry and image - making the best out of bad hands and bad genes, trumping
up our credentials, and looking good.
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