It is always surprising to see how both Republican and Democratic elites are
befuddled by Donald Trump. Both have spent decades developing, curating,
polishing, and promoting their brands.
Republicans have been the party of small
government, low taxes, enterprise, and a strong military; and in recent years
have embraced family values, religion, and patriotism to complement the image of
strength, rectitude, and exceptionalism.
Democrats have been the party of big government, progressive rates of
taxation, transfers of wealth from the rich to the poor, negotiation and
compromise, and a culture of mutually-respectful diversity.
This year (2016), however, both parties have been flummoxed by Donald Trump,
a man who confounds liberal and conservative policies, talks like a libertarian,
and plays fast and loose with ideas and convictions. Nobody inside the Beltway
knows exactly who he is or what he stands for. But the 10 million
people who have voted for him in the primaries, who pack arenas and stadiums to
get a glimpse of him, and who see him as the political savior of the nation certainly do.
The insider crowd doesn’t get him, but everyone else does.
The irony is that these liberal and conservative observers have correctly
characterized Trump as a vaudevillian, clown, carny barker, and magician; but in
their disparagement have missed the point that when people go to a circus, they
don’t want the facts or the truth or reality.
The Great Gandolfo was the greatest magician of the early 19th century.
Because of a somewhat shady and questionable past, the big circuses like Barnum
& Bailey never engaged him. On the small tent, county fair, 4H and
watermelon circuit he was a big draw. He performed all the classic magic
tricks – sawing a woman in half, wriggling out of a buccaneer’s chains, and
making pigeons and rabbits appear and disappear – but his real talent was
legerdemain. What his audience saw – a hand of cards, a live toad, a glass of
water, or a furled flag – was nothing of the sort. He made everything change in
appearance, change places, colors, dimensions, and posture. By the end of his
show no one was sure exactly what they had seen or what had become of what they
Gandolfo was brilliant, exotic, and absolutely compelling. He wore a
traditional magician’s outfit – top hat, white tie, and tails – before every
audience no matter how humble. It was a showman’s outfit, what
everyone expected; and his hat woven of fine silk, his studs of 14 karat
diamonds, and his tuxedo tailored in Bond Street, showed his respect and
gratitude for his followers. He never thought of them as gullible or naïve,
and prided himself on giving them what they wanted in glamorous style.
Everyone knew that rabbits didn’t really disappear, that no one could
possibly read minds or dismember and reassemble women’s bodies; but they
willingly suspended disbelief. It was the circus after all, and one didn’t pay
good money to see railroad tracks being laid or cows being milked.
In fact the good people of rural America suspended their disbelief all the
time; and the circus was just the most theatrical display of it. They were sure
that Armageddon was coming within their lifetimes, that the End of Days was
coming, and that Jesus would receive them on their entrance to heaven. It was
unconscionable to think that man – the most intelligent of animals, gifted with
a soul by an all-powerful and –knowing God – could have been descended from the
apes. No matter how much paleontological evidence was presented; no matter how
many prehistoric fossils were discovered; and no matter how disciplined and
rigorous the logical line of inference might have been, they knew absolutely,
unequivocally, and with all their hearts that God created Man in his image.
Thomas Jefferson was as wrong as could be when he prevailed over the
skeptical Alexander Hamilton in their debates about the sanctity of the will of
the people. Jefferson believed in the innate wisdom of the masses while
Hamilton dismissed the idea out of hand. The farmers, yeoman, watermen, and
tradesmen that he observed might be good people able to tote a column of
figures, make a profit, and call forward inventory; but they surely had no
enlightenment. They could fall just as easily for a shaman as a parlor trick.
The electorate couldn’t be trusted because they lived in a world of distorted
ignorance. Not only did they not know a thing; but they invented stories of its
origin, nature, and influence.
An apocryphal story made the rounds in Hamilton’s time which was said to
influence his decisions about the constitution of the new Republic. It
concerned a circus, but this time a big tent – one of those extravaganzas that
were common even at the end of the 18th century. John Bill Ricketts was the
first to bring his big tent from England to America, and although it was tame by
comparison to later circuses, it combined animal acts, the exotic, and the
magical. George Washington was reported to have taken in one of Ricketts' shows in Philadelphia.
Hamilton apparently saw an offshoot of Ricketts’ events. A group of Boston
entrepreneurs saw money in circuses and opened their own show in Bucks County.
They were the first to open the circus to the scandalous and deformed, and their
side show was nonpareil. Not only were their bearded ladies but dwarf, bearded,
bare-breasted ladies on display. Not only did horses do unique equestrian
feats, but they copulated with smaller animals and, if reports are to be
believed, with young women from Delaware.
The lines for the side show were hours long, and the Boston brothers, the
geniuses who anticipated this demand, were delighted. Ticket prices doubled
overnight and larger and larger venues were sought for what they called the
‘freak show’ but labeled it ‘Exotica’ for Pennsylvania audiences.
Hamilton reportedly was very impressed by both the Ricketts’s circus and the
Boston Brothers’ side show. In fact his attendance on a Saturday evening show
was apocryphal. He knew then and there when he saw his fellow citizens fall
hook, line, and sinker for transparent legerdemain and a collection of human
deformities, that there was no way in hell that he would ever support his
colleague, Jefferson’s misguided populist views.
Hucksterism, snake-oil salesmanship, and ‘a-sucker-is-born-every-minute’
marketing has not only persisted in America but grown. The more complex society
becomes the harder it is to sort out the wheat from the chaff, the imagined from
the real, and truth from fiction. In other words a field day for the canny
Americans, with their long tradition of falling for clever tricks, absolute
belief in a religion that is in reality as relative and speculative as any, a
weakness for circuses and magic tricks, and an education which has not
progressed much past that of the one-room schoolhouse, will believe
anything as long as it is wrapped up in ribbons, decorated with tinsel,
and accompanied by music.
Along comes Donald Trump, a genius for understanding this, the most
fundamental and elemental characteristic of American culture. Thanks to his
intelligence, arrogant confidence, absolute ambition, and vaudevillian sense of
timing and audience appeal, he has run the perfect electoral campaign. The
circus is the message, not the issues.
The members of the Washington Establishment are like hundreds of Chicken
Little’s who cluck, peck, and scurry because the sky is falling; and like
Chicken Little have no intelligence, insight, or reason to figure out what is
going on. They attack Trump, vilify him, threaten to move to Canada if he wins,
shake their heads in dismay, and commiserate with like-minded, serious observers
of the political scene, but completely miss the boat.
No matter what he says and in fact because of it, he gains in popularity. He
calls Elizabeth Warren ‘Pocahontas’ because of her venal and ridiculous claim to
Native American ancestry. He calls interviewer Megyn Kelly a bimbo and Hillary
Clinton “Crooked Hillary’ and his ratings go up. Protests of racism, sexism,
homophobia, and xenophobia are not only dismissed but used by Trump and his
supporters as examples of outrageous and unacceptably politically correct
attempts to cloture free speech.
By trying to fit Donald Trump into an acceptable ‘presidential’ box, both
liberal and conservative critics miss the boat entirely. Trump is not a
presidential candidate. He is a circus performer playing the role of
presidential candidate. Moreover this is exactly what people want.
This 2016 presidential campaign is like no other. It is not because a very
right wing candidate is running for president. Such ultra-conservative
movements are now common throughout Europe, Asia, and the Middle East in
reaction to the threat of ethnic separatism, misplaced ‘inclusivity’ and
‘diversity’. It is not because of eight years of a weak, accommodating, and
impotent American presidency.
It is because for decades, a very American spirit has been muzzled,
wrapped, and stifled. We are not jaded Europeans who have seen it all for a
thousand years; nor Middle Eastern Muslims who finally have had enough
accommodation to secularism; nor North Asians and Eastern Europeans who want,
finally, to succumb to the siren song of Empire and past glory. We are frontier
Americans who built the Republic on faith, ambition, enterprise, and practical
good sense and logic be damned. We know what we know and resent government
telling us otherwise.
Donald Trump is a man of Hollywood, Las Vegas, vaudeville, and Barnum &
Bailey. He is the first candidate to understand – and embody – our deliberately
illogical preferences, our passionate anti-intellectual populism, and our
anti-establishment moral rectitude.
Issues don’t matter for either him or for his supporters. Not even Ronald Reagan stirred
so many legitimately nativist aspirations. No more logic, issues, and
moderations. The way forward is visceral, and absolute. There is no
on-the-one-hand-on-the-other dispassionate consideration here.
The Donald will win.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Facts At A Circus? Donald Trump And The Joyful Ride Through American Politics
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